Diastasis Recti 101

Let's face it, there is a lot of bad information out there on how to address your "mummy tummy" after pregnancy. Advice is often contradictory and overwhelming; some is actually harmful and can make your separation worse!

What You Will Learn:
*What exactly a diastasis recti is and what it means
*Essential steps to healing your abdominal separation
*Get a proper diastasis screening by a women's health specialist
*Get your questions answered so you can feel confident to move forward with the activities you love to do!

This workshop is appropriate for newly postpartum women, pregnant women, as well as women who have been postpartum for years- It is never too late!

Hosted by Allison Poole, PT, MPT, WHC of Koru Physical Therapy and Wellness. Allison specializes in Women's Health and Pelvic Floor PT and is also a Women's Health Coach with an interest in Functional Nutrition. She has over 15 years of experience and is a mom herself.

The workshop will be held at Rosemont Wellness Center. There is easy parking, babes in arms welcome, and please wear comfortable clothing you can move easily in!

This 60min workshop is $15. Space is limited to 10 (this workshop often sells out).

Reserve your spot: https://intakeq.com/booking/jnauov

Naomi Skoglundevent